Nice and Clean Large Permanent Pen! Just the way we like it.
Front Permanent Pens at the Tack Room
Fence Line Pen. Nice and clean. No leftover food and the water bucket dumped over.
Rules For Your Horse Poop
Self Cleaning - Fence Line Pens
Pile your manure in a mound or in a manure bucket in front of your stall. Do not put it over the white fence. We will collect it once a day.
Your pen must be clean including leftover feed in the pen before you leave or you will have a penalty fee to pay next time I see you of $20. You will be notified if you are getting a penalty. Please also dump your water trough so the next horse doesn’t get your cooties.
Think about it. You don’t want your horse eating someone else’s feed so don’t leave it behind trying to be nice.
Self Cleaning - Permanent Pens
Use the ranch’s wheelbarrows and manure forks provided to clean your pens. Do not steal my manure forks. They have a tracking device in them now. That is getting old and expensive. I am not buying anymore pretty colors.
It is NEVER OKAY to leave your full wheel barrow at the gate. It is not fair to the next user. Please take your wheelbarrow to the manure pile just outside the evening pasture gate where the ranch geldings are. If it is before their feeding time, the geldings are use to people coming in and out with the wheelbarrows. Gate rules. If it is shut, leave it shut. If it is open, leave it open. The horses are gentle. I use them with blind kids, but if you leave the gate open when you take your wheelbarrow out and it was not open then you will have a lot of horses to round up. Over 25 of them. SHUT THE GATE BEHIND YOU IF IT IS ALREADY SHUT! Do not release the hounds!
Your pen must be clean before you leave including leftover feed or you will have a penalty fee to pay next time I see you of $20. You will be notified if you are getting a penalty.
Think about it. You don’t want your horse eating someone else’s feed so don’t leave it behind trying to be nice.
Rules are subject to change according to people’s new schemes to get out of doing it correctly.
“Containing your own horse” Manure Rules while camping in our fields.
Please leave your manure in a pile for us to pick up after you leave. Do not spread it anymore like you use to.
If we are feeling motivated, we’ll stop by once a day throughout the week to pick up your pile. If you have a manure bucket, it will make it go even quicker. We love it if you have a manure bucket.
We will not clean your pen. It must be in a pile or there will be no manure pickup for you.
Do not put your manure over the white fence or in my trash cans.