Horseback Riding*

Pony Ride............ $14 per 30 min. per horse (for children under 7)
                            Children can take turns on one horse.

1 Hour Ride......... $ 100 per person  

                          7 - 14 yrs of age..... $ 75 per person

2 Hour Ride......... $150 per person

                          7 - 14 yrs of age..... $100 per person

3 Hour Ride......... $250 per person (lunch included)

                            Not available to those under 15 yrs of age

4 Hour Ride......... $350 per person (lunch included)

                           Not available to those under 15 yrs of age

  • Trail Riding Requirements: 7 yrs of age or older, and 230 lb weight limit
    Anyone over 225 lbs will have to ride a Belgian Mule.  Our horses cannot carry more than 20% 
    of their body weight which includes the saddle and rider.  It is for the health of the horses and mules..

  • All horseback rides are private, and we do ride to your skill level, but we decide what that is. We also have to ride to the lowest skill level in the group. Safety comes before fun. We don’t want anyone taking a dirt nap.

  • Horseback riding is limited to one and two hour rides from May 1st thru June 30th. We are closed in July and August due to the heat, and will resume in September. Longer rides resume on October 1st.

  • Double Riding is not allowed.

  • Those under 7 years can enjoy a hand-lend horseback ride around the ranch. They do not have long enough legs and strength in their hands to ride a horse on the trails. Think about it, 40 lbs. of human on 1000 lbs. of muscle. Not a good combination. There is no such thing as a 100% safe horse.

Cattle Drive

2 Hour.................... $200 per person

                           2 minimum                        

                          10 yrs or older and 230 lb weight limit
                          Anyone over 225 lbs will have to ride a Belgian Mule.  Our horses cannot carry more than                               20% of their body weight which includes the saddle and rider.  It is for the health of the                                   horses and mules.

Cattle Drives do not run from May 1st thru September 30th due to the heat, and stress on the cattle.


Hopefully by the fall 2023, it will be up and running again. Depends on how the pond survives this summer. There are no fish in the pond right now, but it has been dug out, the bottom sealed, and it is holding water. Everyone do a rain dance for a good monsoon this summer.

30 Minutes..................$18 per person - Not available due to the drought. No water and no fish.

                          no minimum, 8 person maximum

Includes a Guide, a Barbie Pole, and bait.  Catch and Release Only  
The pond is stocked with Catfish, Blue Gill and Bass.  
If you bring your own gear, it is FREE for overnight guests.  
Fishing License is not required since it is on private property.
Catch and Release Only. Time starts when your hook hits the water.


Activity prices include tax, but no gratuity.
Gratuity is greatly appreciated, but not required.

As they say, “Tipping cows is bad, but tipping us is good”!