Hauseenda Hotties Ride
January 14 - 16, 2025
Cost: $327 per person (includes tax and gratuity)
This ride is by invite only - it is not open to the public
Your Ride Contact is Kyle Hause. Bumble Bee Ranch is your camp host.
What is included in your ride fee of $327.00 per person*?
* Your group needs a minimum of 10 participants for the ride to happen at the set price of $327.
Tuesday (BBQ Ribs and Chicken) - served at 6PM - BYOB
Wednesday Buffet Breakfast with a bag lunch for your ride - served at 8AM
Wednesday Ribeye Dinner (choice of steak, chicken or salmon) - Served at 6PM - BYOB
Thursday Buffet Breakfast - served at 8AM
- Bumble Bee Ranch will not be serving alcohol for your event. BYOB
- Soda, water, coffee, tea and hot coco are provided with your meals.
- Monday dinner and Tuesday breakfast will be offered for early arrivals. This is an extra cost. 10 person minimum require per meal.
Accommodations: Both the Big House (on the ranch) and Cabin 6 (located in the town of Bumble Bee) are already reserved for you plus dry camping for your LQ’s. Electrical hookups are EXTRA. Kyle Hause will be assigning beds, not Bumble Bee Ranch.
Stall Rentals: We have reserved the Fence Line Pens for your horses that Bumble Bee Ranch will clean once a day at about mid morning. There is no shade and a 50 gallon water trough with access to fill it, is provided. There are enough stalls to separate your horses. Bumble Bee Ranch is not providing food for your horses. You can bring shaving if you would like. Stalls are at a minimum 12ft x 12ft. Opening the center panel counts as a two stall rentals. Extra fees may apply. Your ride fee includes one stall for your one horse.
If there is a certain person you want to be close to in the stall assignments, please let me know on your reservation form. Musical chairs works in the beginning, but it is hard last minute. - Kelly, Bumble Bee Ranch
You have until January 9th to cancel without penalties. After January 9th, you will have a $60 cancellation fee ($50 for food costs, $10 towards the Hauseenda Hotties Ride fee). This is five days before your event, and I will have purchased the food already. All events are privately catered, so your food is bought fresh just before the event. Strictly for your event. - Kelly, Bumble Bee Ranch
The ride is closed after January 9th, for the same reasons. Should you sign up after January 9th, there is a $30 late fee. That includes walk-in’s which have to have approval by Kyle to be on the ride. Don’t risk being turned away.
If you are a NO SHOW, you will owe for your entire reservation. Please call and cancel, even if it is the day of. It’s a lot cheaper then the alternative. For those that refuse to pay their fees, they will be blacklisted from Bumble Bee Ranch for all future events until your debt is paid. Once paid, all is forgiven and you can come play again.
Should you cancel your extra options like extra meals, electrical hookups or additional stalls when you arrive in my office, you will be responsible for them unless I can fill them. Cancel your extras before you arrive. That is only fair to those on waitlists.
Bumble Bee Ranch does confirmation calls about two weeks before the event. You will receive my spreadsheet to remind you what you have ordered. This is a great time to change your reservation or cancel. Especially if you have changed your plans and forgot to tell the camp host. Happens all the time.